Stump Removal
Westland Stump Grinding
While cutting down a tree is a lot of work, the removal of the stump from that tree is much, much more work. This is why the price of grinding the stump is not usually included in the price of removing the tree. Stump removal is actually a very complicated, time-efficient, and labor-intensive project that is difficult, but definitely doable. And, while it is generally safer than removing a tree, because there's no risk of a 60+ foot tree falling on you, it is still best to leave this to the professionals, or else you risk spending a great amount of time trying to remove a stump that you're not guaranteed to be able to do. This following guide will walk you through how to identify a stump that needs to be removed, as well as the equipment and procedures used when removing a tree stump.
There are a few different reasons to remove a stump from your yard. For one, you just chopped down the tree, and you don't want the stump hanging out or else what was the point of removing the tree in the first place? Also, they are complete eyesores that attract other weeds and plants and can make your yard look messy and, simply put, just no good. Another reason is they take up valuable space in your yards. Everyone wants to have as much room in their yards as possible, and stumps being in the way are simply unwieldy and break up your yard in a way that, for a lot of people, is just unacceptable. Finally, they are simply not safe. Some stumps are cut down low, so they can be easy to miss when they are camouflaged by grass and weeds, and someone painfully stubs their toe on the old stump. That is just no fun.
When a professional tree remover removes the stump, you can be guaranteed that it will be done properly, cleanly, and professionally. They come with these large machines called stump grinders, as well as a shovel, a mattock, a chainsaw, and a rake. They'll use the shovel or mattock to clear the rocks away from around the stump. They'll then cut away as much of the stump as they can using the chainsaw, trying to get it to be level with the ground. They'll then rip into the stump using the stump grinder repeatedly until the stump is gone. They will, of course, be using protective care such as goggles because there will be wood chips and debris flying everywhere, and the last thing you want is a splinter in the eye.
You can also do the Stump Removal yourself by renting a stump grinder, but make sure that you are taught in great detail how to operate it, because you don't want to damage the equipment, or cause damage to your lawn, or harm yourself.